From Typography to icons and logos
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The album.
This was a fun project that I went a little crazy on, building a music album for typography class.
This one was for the artist Zayde Wolf, we were to create a fictional album cover, along with how the record would look. I very much enjoyed this project.

professional like layouts
This is a collection of layouts for websites, posters, etc.
Contest Poster
-Digital, 2018
This was also very fun to do, I loved having to make something that is for a digital medium and making it look artsy. I wanted to blend the two because a lot of people don’t see digital work as art, especially typography, or webdesign but in all honesty it is art, and it’s amazing what can be done, and what people have done.
Magma, 2019
Creative Studio Services, 2020
-a logo made for my grandmother’s business
Creative Studio Services, 2020
-a website i designed (originally for a school project) for my grandmother’s business.
The book:
this was a project to re-imagine a chosen book cover and a few of the pages. I chose the Encyclopedia Eorzea, which is one of my favorite game book, as it is so very immersive of the world within the game. I wanted however to give it a different feel, where yes it is still Immersive, but Still very obviously a game book. Just an opposite look is all. I’m very proud of the layout and typography of the inner pages.

Character profiles
A just for fun project I did for RolePlay group I’m in. This was made to help players get a quick understanding of the characters that were in play.
The demo piece
What it looks like when filled
I used Tarrah, my character, to test how well this format would work, and I very much liked the results.